An experienced Pet Psychic, Lisa works with you and your animal companions to:
Better understand and appreciate each other
Discover their dislikes, fears, phobias and find ways to mitigate them
Find out their dynamics with other animals and people in the household
Help understand and resolve behavior problems
Negotiate compromises on problem behaviors and training challenges
Clear up any misunderstandings and confusion
Unearth details of their life before joining your family
Assist with life and/or household changes and emergency situations
Find out what they want and need in order to live the best life possible
Discover their purpose for being in your life now and past lives together
Enhance the performance for working and/or competition animals
Assess health and body issues and pinpoint current and future problems
Facilitate the release of physical and emotional trauma, grief, and fear
Ease their transition from this life into spirit and other end of life issues
Connect with and communicate with your pets that have died
Give you a chance to understand your pets perception of their life